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Camp SAY: A Summer Camp for Young People who Stutter


Sliding Scale Tuition FAQs

These are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about Camp SAY’s Sliding Scale Tuition & Travel Program.  To view Camp SAY’s General FAQ’s, with information on added topics, click here.

What is Sliding Scale Tuition?

Sliding-scale tuition is based on the principle that a family’s financial commitment should be proportionate to its financial resources. The same financial information is requested from all families that wish to apply for Sliding Scale Tuition (and travel, if desired). The Family Worksheet is used to determine each family’s fee for the upcoming summer at Camp SAY.

Why does Camp SAY utilize Sliding Scale Tuition?

Camp SAY is a program of SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young, and our entire staff and SAY’s Board of Trustees are fully committed to making Camp SAY accessible to every child who stutters, regardless of a family’s ability to pay.  

If I pay in full, am I underwriting Sliding Scale Tuition for a family in need?

Absolutely not. To ensure that this process is fair and equitable for every family, families that pay in full are not asked to pay more than their fair share of Camp Tuition costs. Instead, Camp SAY accesses a large fund to offset and underwrite all Tuition reductions provided through our Sliding Scale Tuition Program. SAY raises more than $700,000 annually for this purpose, and to date, no child has been turned away due to a family’s inability to pay.

Does Sliding Scale Tuition affect the quality of experience offered at Camp SAY?

No, not at all. Since Camp SAY has a unique opportunity to access generous funding to offset costs for each family paying less than full tuition – camp programs & activities are structured as if each family were paying full tuition. This approach enables Camp SAY to provide a remarkably high-quality experience for all campers attending Camp SAY! At Camp SAY, we create an environment of true equality, eliminating the labels of “full-paying families” and “financial aid families.”

Do I need to fill out a Sliding Scale Tuition Family Worksheet?

No, filling out the Family Worksheet is optional and families choosing to not complete the Worksheet will simply pay the Camp SAY tuition rate of $3,850.

If our family fills out the Sliding Scale Family Worksheet, how long will it take for Camp SAY to confirm the Tuition rate?

The Sliding Scale Tuition rate is typically confirmed within 5-7 business days, and as the start of camp gets closer, the process can take as little as 1-2 business days! Camp SAY begins on July 19, 2025.

What happens when a family wants to fill out a Family Worksheet for more than one child?

If a family fills out the Sliding Scale Worksheet for multiple children simultaneously, that factor will be taken into consideration during the initial Worksheet review process and Tuition rate confirmation. To date, no child has been turned away due to a family’s inability to pay.

What if my financial situation changes significantly and I discover that I have a financial need that I didn’t have before?

If such changes occur, please just update our Camp Director, Kendra Perkins, to discuss options. Kendra can be reached at  Kendra@SAY.org or 646-969-4545.

What should I do if I receive a Sliding Scale Tuition rate that is still not affordable for me to send my child to Camp SAY?

If a family receives a Sliding Scale Tuition rate that they do not feel is affordable, we welcome them to simply contact our Camp Director, Kendra Perkins, to further discuss tuition. Travis can be reached at:  Kendra@SAY.org or 646-969-4545. To date, no child has been turned away due to a family’s inability to pay.

Ready to Enroll your Child? CLICK HERE to begin the registration process! 

Have more questions? Please contact our Camp Director via email at Kendra@SAY.org, call 646-969-4545, or submit an Inquiry Form.

The above are FAQ’s about Camp SAY’s Sliding Scale Tuition & Travel Program. To view Camp SAY’s General FAQ’s with information on added topics, click here.

Camp SAY 2025 Enrollment

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